This class is used for lists of structs that are synchronized from the server to clients.
To use SyncListStruct, derive a new class with your struct as the generic parameter.
no example available in JavaScript
public class MyScript : NetworkBehaviour {
public struct POW { public int pow; public float f; }
public class SyncListPOW : SyncListStruct<POW> {
public SyncListPOW m_pows = new SyncListPOW(); }
Serialization methods will be auto-generated for this new class.
Callback | The delegate type used for SyncListChanged. |
Count | Returns the number of elements in this SyncList<T>. |
IsReadOnly | Reports whether the SyncList<T> is read-only. |
Add | Same as List:Add() but the item is added on clients. |
Clear | Same as List:Clear() but the list is cleared on clients. |
Contains | Determines whether the list contains item item. |
CopyTo | Copies the elements of the SyncList<T> to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. |
DeserializeItem | This method is used when deserializing SyncList items from a stream. |
Dirty | Marks an item in the list as dirty, so it will be updated on clients. |
GetEnumerator | Returns an enumerator that iterates through the SyncList<T>. |
IndexOf | Determines the index of a specific item in the SyncList<T>. |
InitializeBehaviour | Internal function. |
Insert | Same as List::Insert() but also inserts into list on clients. |
Remove | Same as List:Remove except removes on clients also. |
RemoveAt | Same as List:Remove except it removes the index on clients also. |
SerializeItem | This is used to write a value object from a SyncList to a stream. |
DeserializeItem | This method is used when deserializing SyncList items from a stream. |
SerializeItem | This is used to write a value object from a SyncList to a stream. |
SyncListChanged | A delegate that can be populated to recieve callbacks when the list changes. |