Version: 5.3


class in UnityEngine


다음으로부터 상속:Effector2D

매뉴얼로 전환


Applies forces within an area.

When the source Collider2D is a trigger, the effector will apply forces whenever the target Collider2D overlaps the source. When the source Collider isn't a trigger, the effector will apply forces whenever the target Collider2D is in contact with the source only.

This effector is designed primarily to work with source Collider2D that are set as triggers so that target Collider2D can overlap the defined area.


angularDragThe angular drag to apply to rigid-bodies.
dragThe linear drag to apply to rigid-bodies.
forceAngleThe angle of the force to be applied.
forceMagnitudeThe magnitude of the force to be applied.
forceTargetThe target for where the effector applies any force.
forceVariationThe variation of the magnitude of the force to be applied.
useGlobalAngleShould the forceAngle use global space?

상속된 멤버


enabledEnabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not.
isActiveAndEnabledHas the Behaviour had enabled called.
gameObjectThe game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object.
tagThe tag of this game object.
transformThe Transform attached to this GameObject.
colliderMaskThe mask used to select specific layers allowed to interact with the effector.
useColliderMaskShould the collider-mask be used or the global collision matrix?
hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user?
nameThe name of the object.

Public 함수

BroadcastMessageCalls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children.
CompareTagIs this game object tagged with tag ?
GetComponentReturns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't.
GetComponentInChildrenReturns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search.
GetComponentInParentReturns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents.
GetComponentsReturns all components of Type type in the GameObject.
GetComponentsInChildrenReturns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children.
GetComponentsInParentReturns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents.
SendMessageCalls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object.
SendMessageUpwardsCalls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour.
GetInstanceIDReturns the instance id of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the game object.

정적 함수

DestroyRemoves a gameobject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadMakes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene.
FindObjectOfTypeReturns the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectsOfTypeReturns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type.
InstantiateReturns a copy of the object original.


boolDoes the object exist?
operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object.
operator ==Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object.