Stores settings of a TextureImporter.
See Also: TextureImporter.
allowsAlphaSplit | Allow Alpha splitting on the imported texture when needed (for example ETC1 compression for textures with transparency). |
cubemapConvolution | Convolution mode. |
cubemapConvolutionExponent | Defines how fast Phong exponent wears off in mip maps. Higher value will apply less blur to high resolution mip maps. |
cubemapConvolutionSteps | Defines how many different Phong exponents to store in mip maps. Higher value will give better transition between glossy and rough reflections, but will need higher texture resolution. |
rgbm | RGBM encoding mode for HDR textures in TextureImporter. |
spriteAlignment | Edge-relative alignment of the sprite graphic. |
spriteBorder | Border sizes of the generated sprites. |
spriteExtrude | The number of blank pixels to leave between the edge of the graphic and the mesh. |
spriteMode | Sprite texture import mode. |
spritePivot | Pivot point of the Sprite relative to its graphic's rectangle. |
spritePixelsPerUnit | The number of pixels in the sprite that correspond to one unit in world space. |
ApplyTextureType | Configure parameters to import a texture for a purpose of type, as described here. |
CopyTo | Copy parameters into another TextureImporterSettings object. |
Equal | Test texture importer settings for equality. |