Version: 5.3


class in UnityEditor

매뉴얼로 전환


Utility functions to assist with working with shaders from the editor.

정적 변수

hardwareSupportsRectRenderTextureDoes the current hardware support render textues.

정적 함수

GetPropertyCountGet the number of properties in Shader s.
GetPropertyDescriptionGet the description of the shader propery at index propertyIdx of Shader s.
GetPropertyNameGet the name of the shader propery at index propertyIdx of Shader s.
GetPropertyTypeGet the ShaderProperyType of the shader propery at index propertyIdx of Shader s.
GetRangeLimitsGet Limits for a range property at index propertyIdx of Shader s.
GetTexDimGets the ShaderPropertyTexDim of the texture at property index propertyIdx of Shader s.
IsShaderPropertyHiddenIs the shader propery at index propertyIdx of Shader s hidden?