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class in Unity.Android.Gradle.Manifest


Inherits from:Unity.Android.Gradle.Manifest.BaseElement


The C# definition of the <manifest> Android Manifest element.

For more information about the element, see Android's documentation: Manifest element


ApplicationChild element <application>.
AttributesThe attributes container for the <manifest> element.
CompatibleScreensChild element <compatible-screens>.
InstrumentationListList of <instrumentation> child elements.
PermissionGroupListList of <permission-group> child elements.
PermissionListList of <permission> child elements.
PermissionTreeListList of <permission-tree> child elements.
QueriesListList of <queries> child elements.
SupportsGlTextureListList of <supports-gl-texture> child elements.
SupportsScreensChild element <supports-screens>.
UsesConfigurationChild element <uses-configuration>.
UsesFeatureListList of <uses-feature> child elements.
UsesPermissionListList of <uses-permission> child elements.
UsesPermissionSdk23ListList of <uses-permission-sdk-23> child elements.
UsesSdkChild element <uses-sdk>.


ManifestElement constructor.

Public Methods

AddUsesFeatureAdds <uses-feature> element as a child.
AddUsesPermissionAdds <uses-permission> element as a child.
GetActivitiesWithLauncherIntentGets the <activity> elements that contain the LAUNCHER category in an <intent-filter> element.

Inherited Members


CustomElementsCustom child elements.

Public Methods

AddCustomElementAdds a new element as a child.
GetAllAttributesGets all attributes on this element.
GetCustomAttributeGets a custom attribute by attribute name.
GetIDGets the unique ID of the element.
GetNameGets the element name.
GetUniqueNameGets a unique name of the element.
RemoveRemoves this element from the file.
RemoveCustomAttributeRemoves a custom attribute by name.
ResolveConflictResolve a conflict if element was already modified by another script.
SetCustomAttributeSets a custom attribute with name and value.