Version: 2023.1
  • C#



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Options for Profiler marker data unit types.

Use unit types to define how Unity visualizes a particular value in the Profiler. A unit type represents dimensionality. For example, a unit type for time is represented as seconds, and a unit type for data size is represented as bytes.


UndefinedUse to display data value as string if ProfilerMarkerDataTypes.String16 or as a simple number without any unit abbreviations. Also use Undefined in combination with ProfilerMarkerDataTypes.Blob8 which won't be visualized.
TimeNanosecondsDisplay data value as a time, specified in nanoseconds.
BytesDisplay data value as a size, specified in bytes.
CountDisplay data value as a simple number without any unit abbreviations.
PercentDisplay data value as a percentage value with % postfix.
FrequencyHzDisplay data value as a frequency, specified in hertz.