Scene Visibility
Scene view Camera

Scene view control bar

You can use the Scene view control bar to choose various options for viewing the Scene and also to control whether lighting and audio are enabled. These controls only affect the Scene view during development and have no effect on the built game.

Draw mode menu

El primer menú desplegable selecciona qué Draw Mode se usará para representar la escena. Las opciones disponibles son:

Draw Mode Función:
Shading Mode
Shaded Show surfaces with their textures visible.
Wireframe Draw meshes with a wireframe representation.
Shaded Wireframe Show meshes textured and with wireframes overlaid
Shadow Cascades Show directional light shadow cascades.
Render Paths Show the rendering path for each GameObject using a color code:

Blue indicates deferred shading
Green indicates deferred lighting
Yellow indicates forward rendering
Red indicates vertex lit
Alpha Channel Render colors with alpha.
Overdraw Render GameObjects as transparent “silhouettes”. The transparent colors accumulate, making it easy to spot places where one object is drawn over another.
Mipmaps Show ideal texture sizes using a color code:

Red indicates that the texture is larger than necessary (at the current distance and resolution)
Blue indicates that the texture could be larger. The ideal texture sizes depend on the resolution at which your application will run and how close the Camera can get to particular surfaces.
Texture Streaming Tint GameObjects green, red, or blue, depending on their status in the Texture Streaming system. For more information, see documentation on Texture Streaming debugging.
Deferred Estos modos le permiten ver cada uno de los elementos del G-buffer (Albedo, Specular, Smoothness y Normal) de forma aislada. Consulte la documentación sobreDeferred Shading para obtener más información.
Global Illumination The following modes are available to help visualise aspects of the Global Illumination system: UV Charts, Systems, Albedo, Emissive, Irradiance, Directionality, Baked, Clustering and Lit Clustering. See documentation on GI Visualisations for information about each of these modes.
Material Validator There are two Material Validator modes: Albedo and Metal Specular. These allow you to check whether your physically-based materials use values within the recommended ranges. See Physically Based Material Validator for more information.

2D, iluminación e interruptores de audio

A la derecha del menú Render Mode hay tres botones que activan o desactivan ciertas opciones de la vista de escena:

  • 2D: alterna entre la vista 2D y 3D para la escena. En el modo 2D, la cámara está orientada hacia la z positiva, con el eje x apuntando hacia la derecha y el eje y apuntando hacia arriba.
  • Lighting: activa o desactiva la iluminación de la vista de escena (luces, sombreado de objetos, etc.).
  • Audio: activa o desactiva los efectos de audio de la vista de escena.

Botón y menú de efectos

El menú (activado por el ícono de la montaña pequeña a la derecha del botón Audio) tiene opciones para habilitar o deshabilitar los efectos de rendering en la vista de escena.

  • Skybox: una textura renderezidad en el fondo de la escena
  • Fog: desvanecimiento gradual de la vista a un color plano con la distancia de la cámara.
  • Flares: bengalas de lente en las luces.
  • Animated Materials: Defines whether or not animated materials show the animation

El botón Effects actúa como un interruptor que habilita o deshabilita todos los efectos a la vez.

Scene visibility switch

The Scene visibility switch toggles Scene visibility for GameObjects on and off. When it’s on, Unity applies the Scene visibility settings. When it’s off, Unity ignores them. This switch also displays the number of hidden GameObjects in the Scene.

For more information, see the documentation on Scene Visibility.

Component Editor Tools panel switch

The Component Editor Tools panel switch toggles a toolbar for custom commands that affect the current selection. The toolbar appears in a window inside the main Scene view window.

For more information see the documentation on Using Custom Editor Tools.

Camera settings menu

The Camera settings menu contains options for configuring the Scene view camera. For more information, see the documentation on Camera settings.

Menú Gizmos

El menú Gizmos contiene muchas opciones para mostrar objetos, íconos y gizmos. Este menú está disponible tanto en la vista de escena como en la Game view. Consulte la documentación en la página del manual Gizmos Menu para obtener más información.

Caja de búsqeda

The rightmost item on the control bar is a search box that lets you filter items in the Scene view by their names and/or types (you can select which with the small menu at the left of the search box). The set of items that match the search filter are also shown in the Hierarchy view which, by default, is located to the left of the Scene view.

  • Scene Visibility Switch added in 2019.1 NewIn20191
  • Scene view Camera settings added in 2019.1
  • Component Editor Tools panel switch added in 2019.1
Scene Visibility
Scene view Camera