Universal Windows Platform: Profiler
Universal Windows Platform: Association launching

Universal Windows Platform: Command line arguments

Universal Windows Apps don’t accept command line arguments by default, so to specify them you have to pass them to an AppCallbacks constructor in App.xaml.cpp or App.cpp. For example:

m_AppCallbacks = 
    ref new AppCallbacks
        ref new Platform::Array<Platform::String\^> 


  • -nolog - No produce UnityPlayer.log.

  • -force-driver-type-warp - Fuerce el dispositivo DirectX 11.0 WARP (Más info http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg615082.aspx)

  • -force-gfx-direct - Fuerce el rendering con un solo thread.

  • -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded - Fuerce DirectX 11.0 para que se cree sin la flag D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED.

  • -dontConnectAcceleratorEvent - Disable connecting to AcceleratorKeyEvent. This may help if you have issues with input in XAML elements. The downside is that Unity cannot handle some keys (for example, the keyboard keys F10, Ctrl, Alt, Tab may have issues in Unity).

  • -forceTextBoxBasedKeyboard - Use TextBox-based implementation for TouchScreenKeyboard. Only has an effect on UWP XAML applications. Allows switching to different implementations, in case there are issues with the default one.

DirectX feature levels (niveles de característica de DirectX)

Para más información acerca de los DirectX feature levels, mire http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff476876(v=vs.85).aspx)

  • -force-feature-level–10–0 - Fuerce DirectX 11.0 feature level 10.0.

  • -force-feature-level–10–1 - Fuerce DirectX 11.0 feature level 10.1.

  • -force-feature-level–11–0 - Fuerce DirectX 11.0 feature level 11.0.

• 2017–05–16 Page amended

Universal Windows Platform: Profiler
Universal Windows Platform: Association launching