Shortcuts Manager
Project Settings

Build Settings

You can use the Build Settings window to choose your target platform, adjust settings for your build, and start the build process. To access the Build Settings window, go to File > Build Settings. Once you specify your build settings, you can click Build to create your build, or click Build And Run to create and run your build on the platform you have specified.

Ventana de los Build Settings
Ventana de los Build Settings

Escenas en el Build (construcción)

This part of the window shows the Scenes from your Project that will be included in your build. If you can’t see any Scenes in this area, use the Add Open Scenes button to add the current Scene to the build, or you can drag Scene assets into this window from your Project window. You can also untick Scenes in this list to exclude them from the build without removing it from the list. If you never need a Scene in the build you can remove it from the list of Scenes by pressing the Delete key on your keyboard.

Scenes that are you tick and add to the Scenes in Build list are included in the build. Unity uses the list of Scenes to control the order the Scenes are loaded. To adjust the order of the Scenes, drag them up or down the list.

Platform list

The Platform area beneath the Scenes in Build area lists all the platforms which are available to your Unity version. Some platforms might be greyed out to indicate they are not part of your version. To control which platform will be built, select one of the platforms in the list. If you change the target platform, you need to press the Switch Platform button to apply your change. This might take some, because your assets might need to be re-imported in formats that match your target platform. The platform you have selected is indicated with a Unity icon to the right of the platform name.

The platform you select shows a list of options that you can adjust for the build. Each platform might have different options. These options are listed below. Options that are common across many platforms are listed at the very bottom of this section under the Generic items across builds details.

PC, Mac & Linux Standalone

Option Purpose
Target Platform
Windows Construcción para Windows
Mac OS X Construcción para Mac
Linux Construcción para Linux
x86 32-bit CPU
x86_64 64-bit CPU
Universal Todos los dispositivos CPU
x86 + x86_64 (Universal) Todos los dispositivos CPU para Linux
Server Build Enable this checkbox to build the Player for server use and with no visual elements (headless) without the need for any command line options. When you enable this option, Unity builds managed scripts with the UNITY_SERVER define, which means you can write server-specific code for your applications. You can also build to the Windows version as a console app so that stdin and stdout are accessible. Unity logs go to stdout by default.
Copy PDB files (Windows only) Enable this checkbox to include Microsoft program database (PDB) files in the built Standalone Player. PDB files contain application debugging information that is useful for debugging, but might increase the size of your Player. This setting is disabled by default.
Create Visual Studio Solution (Windows only) Enable this checkbox to generate Visual Studio Solution files for your Project, so you can build your final executable in Visual Studio.
Headless Mode (Linux only) Enable this checkbox to build your application for server use and with no visual elements.


Option Purpose
Run in Xcode Select the version of Xcode to use in the build. If you select the Latest version, the build uses the most recent version of Xcode on your machine.
Run in Xcode as
Release Shipping version
Debug Testing version
Symlink Unity libraries Reference the Unity libraries instead of copying them into the XCode project. This option reduces the XCode project size.


For information on Android build settings, see Building apps for Android.


Build Settings for WebGL use the generic settings shown later on this page.

Samsung TV

Los ajustes de configuración para el televisor Samsung usan los ajustes genéricos que se muestran más adelante en esta página.


Para obtener información sobre los proyectos de construcción para Xiaomi Game Center, consulte Documentación de Unity Xiaomi.

Otras plataformas

Plataformas de consola y dispositivos que requieren una licencia de Unity serán documentados en la sección de Platform Specific (Específicas de plataforma) de la guía de usuario.

Items genéricos de los builds

Option Purpose
Development Build Enable this option to include debug symbols and the Profiler in your build. You should use this option when you want to test your application
Autoconnect Profiler You can use this option when you enable the Development Build setting. When you enable this option, the Unity Profiler automatically connects to your build.
Deep Profiling Enable this setting to turn on Deep Profiling in the Profiler. This makes the Profiler instrument every function call in your application and returns more detailed profiling data. When you enable Deep Profiling Support, it might slow down script execution. This setting is only available if you enable Development Build.
Script Debugging When the Development Build option is selected, and this option is enabled it allows your script code to be debugged. Not available on WebGL.
Scripts Only Build Run a build to test script changes. You need to build the whole Project once before you can use this option.
Compression Method Compress the data in your Project when you build the Player. This includes Assets, Scenes, Player settings, and GI data. Choose between the following methods:
Default On PC, Mac, Linux Standalone, and iOS, there is no compression by default. On Android, the default compression is ZIP, which gives slightly better compression results than LZ4HC, but data is slower to decompress.
LZ4 A fast compression format that is useful for development builds. For more information, see BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4.
LZ4HC A high compression variant of LZ4 that is slower to build but produces better results for release builds. For more information, see BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4HC.

  • Xiaomi build target added in 2017.2 NewIn20172

  • Soporte Tizen descontinuado en 2017.3 NewIn20173

  • Server Build option added for Standalone Player Build Settings in Unity 2018.3 NewIn20183

  • Deep Profiling added in 2019.3 NewIn20193

Shortcuts Manager
Project Settings