XR Interaction Toolkit
XR Management

XR Legacy Input Helpers



This package includes the tracked pose driver for the legacy input system, the XR Bindings Seeding Tool and 3Dof Arm Model support for the Tracked Pose Driver. The Tracked Pose Driver is a monobehavior that enables GameObjects to track input devices, the XR Bindings Seeding Tool adds a menu item under the ‘Assets’ menu which populates the Input Asset with Unity’s crossplatform Input Bindings

Version information

Compatible with Unity

These package versions are compatible with Unity version 2019.3:

Documentation location: Versions supported:
com.unity.xr.legacyinputhelpers@2.0 2.0.6
com.unity.xr.legacyinputhelpers@1.3 1.3.8

Verified for Unity

Package version 1.3.8 is verified to work with 2019.3.


TPD, Tracked Pose Driver, XR, Input, Helpers

XR Interaction Toolkit
XR Management