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Android environment setup


This section of the User Manual contains documentation on developing for the Android platform,

Environment setup

Before you can run code on your Android device or an Android emulator, you must set up Unity to support Android development. See Android environment setup.

If you don’t install one or more necessary components during initial setup, Unity prompts you to download missing components when you try to build a Project for Android.

Building your app

Unity lets you configure build and runtime settings for your app. See Building apps for Android.

If you have a Unity Pro subscription, you can customize the splash screen that displays when the game launches. See Customizing an Android splash screen.


Unity provides scripting APIs that allow you to access input data and other settings from Android devices. See Android scripting.

You can use plug-ins to call Android functions written in C/ C++ directly from C# scripts. You can also call Java functions indirectly. See Building and using plug-ins for Android.


Unity includes support for occlusion culling, which disables rendering of objects when they’re not currently seen by the camera because they’re obscured (occluded) by other objects. This is a valuable optimization method for mobile platforms. See Occlusion culling.

Solución de problemas y reportes de bugs

The Android troubleshooting guide helps you discover the cause of bugs as quickly as possible. If, after consulting the guide, you suspect the problem is being caused by Unity, file a bug report following the Unity bug reporting guidelines.


Compresión de textura

Ericsson Texture Compression (ETC) is the standard texture compression format on Android.

ETC1 es compatible con todos los dispositivos Android actuales, pero no admite texturas que tengan un canal alfa. ETC2 es compatible con todos los dispositivos Android compatibles con OpenGL ES 3.0. Este método proporciona una mejor calidad para texturas RGB y también admite texturas con un canal alfa.

Por defecto, Unity utiliza ETC1 para texturas RGB comprimidas y ETC2 para texturas RGBA comprimidas. Si ETC2 no es compatible con un dispositivo Android, la textura se descomprime en tiempo de ejecución. Esto tiene un impacto en el uso de memoria y también afecta la velocidad de renderizado.

DXT, PVRTC, ATC y ASTC son texturas de soporte con un canal alfa. Estos formatos también admiten tasas de compresión más altas y/o una mejor calidad de imagen, pero solo son compatibles con un subconjunto de dispositivos Android.

Es posible crear archivos de distribución de Android (.apk) por separado para cada uno de estos formatos y permitir que el sistema de filtrado de Android Market seleccione los archivos correctos para diferentes dispositivos.

Movie/Video playback

We recommend you use the Video Player to play video files. This supersedes the earlier Movie Texture feature.

  • Page contents refreshed for Unity 2019.3
  • Video Player component added in Unity 5.6
Reportando bugs de falla en iOS
Android environment setup