Analytics Dashboard
Data Explorer

Overview page

The Overview page of your Unity Analytics Dashboard provides a number of predefined charts that track commonly used metrics and key performance indicators. The overview page presents the charts in the following sections:

Active Players Shows how many players start to play your game as well as return to it over time.
Sessions Shows how often and how long the average player plays your game each day.
Retention Shows the percentage of players who return to the game at significant intervals.
Revenue Shows reported, verified In-App Purchase (IAP) and Unity Ads revenue.
The Unity Analytics Overview tab showing the Active Player charts
The Unity Analytics Overview tab showing the Active Player charts

For each chart displayed in these sections, you can select the date range to display. You can also click the View in Data Explorer button to view the report in the DataExplorer tab where you have many more options for selecting, formatting, and analyzing report data.

For more information about the metrics used on the Overview page and elsewhere on the Analytics Dashboard, see Analytics Metrics, Segments, and Terminology.

  • 2017–08–29 Page published
  • New feature in Unity 2017.1
Analytics Dashboard
Data Explorer