环境光遮挡 (Ambient occlusion, AO) 功能可以模拟折痕线、小孔和平行表面中出现的柔和阴影。这些区域将遮挡(阻挡)环境光,因此它们看起来较暗。
如果在场景中启用了 Baked Global Illumination,Unity 可以将环境光遮挡烘焙到光照贴图中。这称为烘焙环境光遮挡 (Baked Ambient Occlusion)。
如果场景中未启用 Baked Global Illumination,但是您仍然想要环境光遮挡的效果,则可以使用后期处理效果将实时环境光遮挡应用于场景。
If Realtime Global Illumination using Enlighten is enabled in your Scene, the resolution for indirect lighting does not capture fine details or dynamic objects. We recommend using a real-time ambient occlusion post-processing effect, which has much more detail and results in higher quality lighting.
For information on real-time ambient occlusion post-processing effects, see the documentation on the post-processing effects.
要更详细了解 AO,请参阅 Wikipedia:环境光遮挡 (Ambient Occlusion)。