
Asset Store 资源包筛选器

要缩小出现在列表中的 Asset Store 资源包的范围,请选择 Package Manager 窗口中的 Filters 下拉控件。

Asset Store 资源包筛选器
Asset Store 资源包筛选器

You can use the following types of filter options to help narrow down the list of Asset packages displayed:

  • The Status group lets you choose one Status to remove any package that doesn’t match. For example, if you choose Unlabeled, then only those Asset packages that you never assigned a label to appear in the list.
  • Choose any of the Categories to keep all Asset packages that match any selection.
  • Choose any of the Labels that you applied to your Asset packages before. You can search for the label name if you don’t see it right away. If you select more than one label, then only those packages that match any one label remain in the list.

如果需要重新开始,请单击 Filters 下拉控件旁边的 Clear Filters 按钮,从而将所有筛选条件选项重置为默认值。

  • 在 Unity 2020.1 中添加了 Asset Store 筛选器 NewIn20201

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  • 对列表排序