Version: 2021.2
  • C#


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public static void Request(string eventType, Action<Exception,object[]> promiseHandler, object args, long timeoutInMs, MPE.EventDataSerialization eventDataSerialization);


public static void Request(string eventType, Action<Exception,object[]> promiseHandler, object[] args, long timeoutInMs, MPE.EventDataSerialization eventDataSerialization);


eventType The request's event type name.
promiseHandler The handler called when the Request is either fulfilled or cancelled, or times out.
args Arguments sent with the request event.
timeoutInMs The timeout value in milliseconds. After this amount of time passes the Request is considered to be cancelled.
eventDataSerialization Specifies how to serialize the request's arguments. This can be standard JSON, or JSON annotated with JsonUtility. You can use the latter to convert the argument to a concrete Unity object that supports JsonUtility.FromJson.


Sends a request to all connected clients on the "events" channel.

Any client can attempt fulfill the request but only the first client that acknowledges the request can actually fulfill it.