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AssetPostprocessor.OnPreprocessMaterialDescription(MaterialDescription,Material, AnimationClip[])


description A MaterialDescription that describes the imported camera properties and animations.
material The material generated by the Model Importer.
animations The animation clips generated by the Model Importer.


Add this function to a subclass to recieve a notification when a material is imported from a Model Importer.

Unity only calls this function if you set ModelImporter.materialImportMode to ModelImporterMaterialImportMode.ImportViaMaterialDescription. This function gives you control over material properties and animations during the model import process. The MaterialDescription structure contains all the material data from the imported file. You can use it to populate the material and animation clips.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.AssetImporters;

public class CreateMaterialFromMaterialDescription : AssetPostprocessor { public void OnPreprocessMaterialDescription(MaterialDescription description, Material material, AnimationClip[] materialAnimation) { var shader = Shader.Find("Standard"); if (shader == null) return; material.shader = shader;

List<string> props = new List<string>(); // list the properties of type Vector4 : description.GetVector4PropertyNames(props); Debug.Log(props);

// Read a texture property from the material description. TexturePropertyDescription textureProperty; if (description.TryGetProperty("DiffuseColor", out textureProperty)) { // Assign the texture to the material. material.SetTexture("_MainTex", textureProperty.texture); } } }