The class used to render the Light Editor when a Light is selected in the Unity Editor.
settings | The settings helper that can be used for rendering a custom LightEditor. |
OnInspectorGUI | Ver Editor.OnInspectorGUI. |
OnDestroy | See ScriptableObject.OnDestroy. |
OnEnable | See ScriptableObject.OnEnable. |
OnSceneGUI | See Editor.OnSceneGUI. |
serializedObject | Un SerializedObject representando el objeto u objetos siendo inspeccionados. |
target | El objeto siendo inspeccionado. |
targets | Un arreglo de todos los objetos siendo inspeccionados. |
CreateInspectorGUI | Implement this method to make a custom UIElements inspector. |
DrawDefaultInspector | Draws the built-in inspector. |
DrawHeader | Llame esta función para dibujar el encabezado del editor. |
DrawPreview | El primer punto de entrada para Preview Drawing. |
GetInfoString | Implemente este método para mostrar información asset encima de la pre-visualización del asset. |
GetPreviewTitle | Anule este método si desea cambiar la etiqueta del área de vista previa. |
HasPreviewGUI | Anule este método en las sub-classes si usted implementa OnPreviewGUI. |
OnInteractivePreviewGUI | Implemente para crear su propia vista previa personalizada interactiva. Las vistas previas interactivas personalizadas se utilizan en el área de vista previa del inspector y el selector de objetos. |
OnPreviewGUI | Implement to create your own custom preview for the preview area of the inspector, the headers of the primary editor, and the object selector. |
OnPreviewSettings | Anule este método si desea mostrar controles personalizados en el encabezado de la vista previa. |
RenderStaticPreview | Override this method if you want to render a static preview. |
Repaint | Redraw any inspectors that shows this editor. |
RequiresConstantRepaint | Checks if this editor requires constant repaints in its current state. |
UseDefaultMargins | Anule este método en subclases para devolver false si no desea márgenes predeterminados. |
ShouldHideOpenButton | Returns the visibility setting of the "open" button in the Inspector. |
CreateCachedEditor | On return previousEditor is an editor for targetObject or targetObjects. The function either returns if the editor is already tracking the objects, or destroys the previous editor and creates a new one. |
CreateCachedEditorWithContext | Creates a cached editor using a context object. |
CreateEditor | Crea un editor personalizado para targetObject o targetObjects. |
CreateEditorWithContext | Make a custom editor for targetObject or targetObjects with a context object. |
DrawFoldoutInspector | Draws the inspector GUI with a foldout header for target. |
HasFrameBounds | Validates whether custom bounds can be calculated for this editor. |
OnGetFrameBounds | Gets custom bounds for the target of this editor. |
finishedDefaultHeaderGUI | An event raised while drawing the header of the Inspector window, after the default header items have been drawn. |