style | 可选 GUIStyle。 |
options | An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting
properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style .See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight, GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight. |
此方法是对 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal 的扩展。可用于创建复合控件。\
// Create a Horizontal Compound Button
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
public class BeginEndHorizontalExample : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Examples/Begin-End Horizontal usage")] static void Init() { BeginEndHorizontalExample window = (BeginEndHorizontalExample)GetWindow(typeof(BeginEndHorizontalExample)); window.Show(); }
void OnGUI() { Rect r = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal("Button"); if (GUI.Button(r, GUIContent.none)) Debug.Log("Go here"); GUILayout.Label("I'm inside the button"); GUILayout.Label("So am I"); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } }