Manages Scene Visibility in the editor.
AreAllDescendantsHidden | Checks whether all the descendants of a GameObject are hidden. |
AreAllDescendantsVisible | Checks whether all the descendants are visible. |
AreAnyDescendantsHidden | Checks whether any descendants are hidden. |
DisableAllPicking | Disables picking on all GameObjects. |
DisablePicking | Disables picking on a GameObject, or an Array of GameObjects, and their descendants. |
EnableAllPicking | Enables picking on all GameObjects. |
EnablePicking | Enables picking on a GameObject, or an array of GameObjects, and its descendants. |
ExitIsolation | Exits Isolation Mode. |
Hide | Hides a GameObject, or an Array of GameObjects, and their descendants. |
HideAll | Hides all GameObjects. |
IsCurrentStageIsolated | Checks whether the current stage is in Isolation mode. |
IsHidden | Checks the hidden state of a GameObject and, optionally, its descendants. |
Isolate | Isolates a GameObject and its descendants. |
IsPickingDisabled | Checks the picking state of a GameObject and, optionally, its descendants. |
IsPickingDisabledOnAllDescendants | Checks whether all the descendants of a GameObject have picking disabled. |
IsPickingDisabledOnAnyDescendant | Checks whether any descendants have picking disabled. |
IsPickingEnabledOnAllDescendants | Checks whether all the descendants are pickable. |
Show | Shows a GameObject, or an array of GameObjects, and its descendants. |
ShowAll | Shows all GameObjects. |
TogglePicking | Toggles the picking ability of a GameObject. |
ToggleVisibility | Toggles the visible state of a GameObject. |
pickingChanged | The event raised whenever the picking state of a GameObject changes. |
visibilityChanged | The event raised whenever the visibility of a GameObject changes. |
instance | Gets the instance of the Singleton. Unity creates the Singleton instance when this property is accessed for the first time. If you use the FilePathAttribute, then Unity loads the data on the first access as well. |
Save | Saves the current state of the ScriptableSingleton. |
GetFilePath | Get the file path where this ScriptableSingleton is saved to. |