
class in UnityEditor.SceneManagement


Inherits from:SceneManagement.Stage

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The PreviewSceneStage class represents an editing context based on a single preview Scene.

You can create a custom type of Stage by implementing a class that inherits from the abstract PreviewSceneStage class. Your custom Stage should ensure any content it controls is moved into the preview Scene that the stage controls.

Your custom Stage class should implement OnOpenStage and OnCloseStage. Unity calls those methods when your stage is opened and closed; you should not call them yourself. To open a Stage of your custom type, use StageUtility.GoToStage.


sceneThe preview Scene this stage controls. Stage content should be moved into this Scene.
stageHandleSee Stage.stageHandle.

Protected Functions

OnCloseStageUnity calls this method when the Stage is closed. Classes that inherit from PreviewSceneStage should implement cleanup logic in this method.
OnOpenStageUnity calls this method when the Stage is opened. Classes that inherit from PreviewSceneStage should implement initialization logic in this method.

Inherited members


assetPathThe path of the Asset file associated with the stage, relative to the project root folder.
stageHandleThe StageHandle struct for this stage.

Public Functions

FindComponentOfTypeReturns the first active loaded object of the given type.
FindComponentsOfTypeReturns a list of all active loaded objects of the given type.
GetCombinedSceneCullingMaskForCameraGets the Scene culling mask from this Stage.

Protected Functions

CreateHeaderContentCreates the header content for this Stage. Both the Hierarchy window header and Scene view breadcrumb bar use this content.
GetHashForStateStorageUnity calls this method to get a hash code that is used to save the state of the Stage to disk.
OnDisableSee ScriptableObject.OnDisable.
OnEnableSee ScriptableObject.OnEnable.
OnFirstTimeOpenStageInSceneViewUnity calls this method the first time a Stage is opened for a specific Asset, for a specific Scene view.
OnReturnToStageUnity calls this method when you return to a Stage that is already open.