Unity 绘图函数的原始接口。
这是访问 Unity 经过优化的网格绘图功能的高级快捷方式。
activeColorBuffer | 当前激活的颜色缓冲区。(只读) |
activeColorGamut | 返回当前激活的色域。 |
activeDepthBuffer | 当前激活的深度/模板缓冲区。(只读) |
activeTier | The GraphicsTier for the current device. |
minOpenGLESVersion | The minimum OpenGL ES version. The value is specified in PlayerSettings. |
preserveFramebufferAlpha | 如果在“Player Settings”中启用原生 UI 渲染(只读),则返回 True。 |
Blit | Uses a shader to copy the pixel data from a texture into a render texture. |
BlitMultiTap | 将源纹理复制到目标,用于多点着色器。 |
ClearRandomWriteTargets | 为 Shader Model 4.5 级别的像素着色器清除随机写入目标。 |
ConvertTexture | Copies the pixel data from one texture, converts the data into a different format, and copies it into another texture. |
CopyBuffer | Copies the contents of one GraphicsBuffer into another. |
CopyTexture | Copies pixel data from one texture to another. |
CreateAsyncGraphicsFence | Shortcut for calling Graphics.CreateGraphicsFence with GraphicsFenceType.AsyncQueueSynchronisation as the first parameter. |
CreateGraphicsFence | Creates a GraphicsFence. |
DrawMesh | 绘制一个网格。 |
DrawMeshInstanced | Draws the same mesh multiple times using GPU instancing. |
DrawMeshInstancedIndirect | This function is now obsolete. Use Graphics.RenderMeshIndirect instead. Draws the same mesh multiple times using GPU instancing. |
DrawMeshInstancedProcedural | This function is now obsolete. Use Graphics.RenderMeshPrimitives instead. Draws the same mesh multiple times using GPU instancing. This is similar to Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect, except that when the instance count is known from script, it can be supplied directly using this method, rather than via a ComputeBuffer. |
DrawMeshNow | 立即绘制一个网格。 |
DrawProcedural | This function is now obsolete. For non-indexed rendering, use Graphics.RenderPrimitives instead. For indexed rendering, use Graphics.RenderPrimitivesIndexed. Draws procedural geometry on the GPU. |
DrawProceduralIndirect | 在 GPU 上绘制程序化的几何形状。 |
DrawProceduralIndirectNow | 在 GPU 上绘制程序化的几何形状。 |
DrawProceduralNow | 在 GPU 上绘制程序化的几何形状。 |
DrawTexture | 在屏幕坐标系中绘制纹理。 |
ExecuteCommandBuffer | 执行命令缓冲区。 |
ExecuteCommandBufferAsync | 对基于传入的 ComputeQueueType 参数选择的异步计算队列执行命令缓冲区。 |
RenderMesh | Renders a mesh with given rendering parameters. |
RenderMeshIndirect | Renders multiple instances of a mesh using GPU instancing and rendering command arguments from commandBuffer. |
RenderMeshInstanced | Renders multiple instances of a mesh using GPU instancing. |
RenderMeshPrimitives | Renders multiple instances of a Mesh using GPU instancing and a custom shader. |
RenderPrimitives | Renders non-indexed primitives with GPU instancing and a custom shader. |
RenderPrimitivesIndexed | Renders indexed primitives with GPU instancing and a custom shader. |
RenderPrimitivesIndexedIndirect | Renders indexed primitives with GPU instancing and a custom shader with rendering command arguments from commandBuffer. |
RenderPrimitivesIndirect | Renders primitives with GPU instancing and a custom shader using rendering command arguments from commandBuffer. |
SetRandomWriteTarget | 为 Shader Model 4.5 级别的像素着色器设置随机写入目标。 |
SetRenderTarget | 设置当前渲染目标。 |
WaitOnAsyncGraphicsFence | Instructs the GPU to pause processing of the queue until it passes through the GraphicsFence fence. |