Version: 2023.1


struct in Unity.IntegerTime



Data-type representing a discrete time value.


MaxValueThe maximum representable time.
MaxValueSecondsThe maximum representable time in seconds.
MinValueThe minimum representable time.
MinValueSecondsThe minimum representable time in seconds.
TickThe duration in seconds of a tick (the smallest representable unit of time).
ZeroThe zero value.


ValueThe underlying discrete time value, which represents the number of discrete ticks.


DiscreteTimeConstructs a discrete time from either seconds (float/double) or ticks (int/long).


ToStringReturns a string representation of the time.


FromTicksExplicitly converts a tick value to a DiscreteTime value.


operator -Returns the substraction of two time values.
operator !=Returns whether two time values are different.
operator *Returns the multiplication of two time values.
operator /A time value divided by a floating point amount.
operator +Returns the addition of two time values.
operator <Returns whether the left-hand time value is less than the right-hand one.
operator ==Returns true if the time is equal to a given time, false otherwise.
operator >Returns whether left-hand time value is greater than the right-hand one.
RationalTimeConverts a DiscreteTime to a RationalTime representation. This conversion is always lossless.
Unknown operatorReturns whether the left-hand time value is less than or equal to the right-hand one.
Unknown operatorReturns whether the left-hand time value is greater than or equal to the right-hand one.
Unknown operatorReturns the modulus of two time values.

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