Provides access to application runtime data.
This class contains static methods for looking up information about and controlling the runtime data.
absoluteURL | The URL of the document. For WebGL, this is a web URL. For Android, iOS, or Universal Windows Platform (UWP) this is a deep link URL (Read Only). |
backgroundLoadingPriority | 后台加载线程的优先级。 |
buildGUID | 返回此构建的 GUID(只读)。 |
cloudProjectId | 唯一的云端项目标识符。它对于每个项目而言都是唯一的(只读)。 |
companyName | Returns application company name (Read Only). |
consoleLogPath | 返回控制台日志文件的路径,如果当前平台不支持日志文件,则返回空字符串。 |
dataPath | 包含目标设备上的游戏数据文件夹路径(只读)。 |
exitCancellationToken | Cancellation token raised on exiting Play mode (Editor) or on quitting the application (Read Only). |
genuine | 如果应用程序在构建后以任何方式进行了更改,则返回 false。 |
genuineCheckAvailable | 如果可以确认应用程序完整性,则返回 true。 |
identifier | Returns the application identifier at runtime. |
installerName | 返回安装应用程序的商店或包的名称(只读)。 |
installMode | 返回应用程序安装模式(只读)。 |
internetReachability | Returns the type of internet reachability currently possible on the device. |
isBatchMode | 如果从命令行以 **-batchmode** 标志启动了 Unity,则返回 true(只读)。 |
isConsolePlatform | 当前的运行时平台是否为已知的控制台平台? |
isEditor | Whether the game is running inside the Unity Editor (Read Only). |
isFocused | Whether the Player currently has focus (Read-only). |
isMobilePlatform | Identifies whether the current Runtime platform is a known mobile platform. |
isPlaying | 在任何类型的已构建播放器中调用时,或者在播放模式的编辑器中调用时,返回 true(只读)。 |
persistentDataPath | Contains the path to a persistent data directory (Read-only). |
platform | 返回游戏运行平台(只读)。 |
productName | 返回应用程序产品名称(只读)。 |
runInBackground | Determines whether the Player should run when the application is in the background |
sandboxType | Returns application running in a sandbox environment (Read-only). |
streamingAssetsPath | The path to the StreamingAssets folder (Read Only). |
systemLanguage | The language in which the user's operating system is running in. |
targetFrameRate | Specifies the target frame rate at which Unity tries to render your game. |
temporaryCachePath | 包含临时数据/缓存目录的路径(只读)。 |
unityVersion | 用于播放内容的 Unity 运行时版本。 |
version | Returns application version number (Read Only). |
CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded | Checks if the streamed level can be loaded. |
GetStackTraceLogType | 获取堆栈跟踪日志记录选项。默认值为 StackTraceLogType.ScriptOnly。 |
HasProLicense | Unity 是否是使用 Pro 许可证激活? |
HasUserAuthorization | Check if the user has authorized use of the webcam or microphone on iOS and WebGL. |
IsPlaying | 如果给定对象是游戏世界的一部分(在任何类型的已构建播放器中或在播放模式中),则返回 true。 |
OpenURL | Opens the URL specified, subject to the permissions and limitations of your app’s current platform and environment. |
Quit | 退出播放器应用程序。 |
RequestAdvertisingIdentifierAsync | Request an advertising ID for iOS and UWP. |
RequestUserAuthorization | Request authorization to use the webcam or microphone on iOS and WebGL. |
SetStackTraceLogType | 设置堆栈跟踪日志记录选项。默认值为 StackTraceLogType.ScriptOnly。 |
Unload | Unloads the Unity Player. |
deepLinkActivated | 如果在 Android、iOS 或通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 上运行的应用程序是使用深层链接 URL 激活,则会引发此事件。 |
focusChanged | 定义要用于注册在其中获得或失去焦点的事件的委托。 |
logMessageReceived | 收到日志消息时触发的事件。 |
logMessageReceivedThreaded | 收到日志消息时触发的事件。 |
lowMemory | The Application._lowMemory event occurs when your application receives a low-memory notification from the device it is running on. |
memoryUsageChanged | Informs about significant changes in the application's memory usage. |
onBeforeRender | A delegate method used to register for Just Before Render input updates for VR devices. |
quitting | Unity raises this event when the Player application is quitting. |
unloading | Unity raises this event when the Player is unloading. |
wantsToQuit | 当播放器应用程序想要退出时,Unity 会引发此事件。 |
AdvertisingIdentifierCallback | 用于获取广告 ID 的委托方法。 |
LogCallback | 将此委托类型与 Application.logMessageReceived 或 Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded 结合使用来监控记录内容。 |
LowMemoryCallback | 这是移动设备通知内存不足时调用的委托函数。 |
MemoryUsageChangedCallback | A delegate for the Application.memoryUsageChanged vent. |