Version: 2023.1


class in UnityEditor



适用于场景视图样式 3D GUI 的 Helper 函数。

These are mainly mathematical functions that assist in converting between the 3D Scene space and the 2D GUI. The functions are used in the construction of the Unity Editor itself and so using them is a good way to make your own Handles GUIs consistent with Unity's.


nearestControlThe controlID of the nearest Handle to the mouse cursor.


AddDefaultControl为默认控件添加 ID。如果没有其他控件可选,则选择此控件。
CalcLineTranslation将鼠标拖动映射到沿 3D 空间中一条直线的运动。
ClosestPointToArc获取弧线(在 3D 空间中)上最接近当前鼠标位置的点。
ClosestPointToDisc获取圆盘(在 3D 空间中)上最接近当前鼠标位置的点。
ClosestPointToPolyLine获取折线(在 3D 空间中)上最接近当前鼠标位置的点。
DistancePointToLine从 2d 中的一个点 p 到由两个点 a 和 b 定义的一条直线的距离。
DistancePointToLineSegment从 2d 中的一个点 p 到由两个点 a 和 b 定义的线段的距离。
DistanceToArcReturns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a 3D section of a disc.
DistanceToCircleReturns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a camera facing circle.
DistanceToConeReturns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a cone.
DistanceToCubeReturns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a cube.
DistanceToDiscReturns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a 3D disc.
DistanceToLineReturns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a line.
DistanceToPolyLineReturns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a polyline.
DistanceToRectangleReturns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a rectangle on screen.
FindNearestVertexReturns the nearest vertex to a guiPoint within a maximum radius of 50 pixels.
GetPickingIncludeExcludeListGets the picking PickingIncludeExcludeList for the currently executing BatchRendererGroup.OnPerformCulling callback.
GetSelectionOutlineIncludeExcludeListGets the selection outline PickingIncludeExcludeList for the currently executing BatchRendererGroup.OnPerformCulling callback.
GUIPointToScreenPixelCoordinate将 2D GUI 位置转换为屏幕像素坐标。
GUIPointToWorldRay将 2D GUI 位置转换为世界空间射线。
PlaceObjectCasts a ray against the loaded scenes and returns the nearest intersected point on a collider.
PointOnLineParameter返回给定线上 point 投影的参数。
ProjectPointLine将 point 投射到一条直线上。
RaySnapCasts ray against the Scene and reports whether an object lies in its path.
WorldPointToSizedRect计算一个用于在 3D 空间中投影点附近显示 2D GUI 元素的矩形。
WorldToGUIPoint将世界空间点转换为 2D GUI 位置。
WorldToGUIPointWithDepth将世界空间点转换为 2D GUI 位置。


getAuthoringObjectForEntityThe user-defined callback that Unity uses to retrieve the Unity Object associated with a DOTS Entity.
getEntitiesForAuthoringObjectThe user-defined callback that Unity uses to retrieve the DOTS Entity IDs associated with a Unity Object.
pickGameObjectCustomPassesSubscribe to this event to add additional picking objects to the HandleUtility.PickGameObject method.
placeObjectCustomPassesSubscribe to this event to handle object placement in the SceneView.


PickGameObjectCallbackThis is the method definition for pickGameObjectCustomPasses.
PlaceObjectDelegateThis is the method definition for placeObjectCustomPasses.

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