activeTrailVertexStreamsCount | The number of currently active custom trail vertex streams. |
activeVertexStreamsCount | 当前处于活动状态的自定义顶点流数。 |
alignment | 控制粒子面向的方向。 |
allowRoll | 允许公告牌粒子绕其 z 轴滚动。 |
cameraVelocityScale | 粒子根据 Camera 速度拉伸的程度。 |
enableGPUInstancing | 在支持 GPU 实例化的平台上启用 GPU 实例化。 |
flip | 沿每个轴翻转一定百分比的粒子。 |
freeformStretching | Enables freeform stretching behavior. |
lengthScale | How much are the particles stretched in their direction of motion, defined as the length of the particle compared to its width. |
maskInteraction | 指定粒子系统渲染器如何与 SpriteMask 交互。 |
maxParticleSize | 钳制最大粒子大小。 |
mesh | 粒子使用的网格,而不是公告牌纹理。 |
meshCount | 系统用于粒子渲染的网格数。 |
meshDistribution | Specifies how the system randomly assigns meshes to particles. |
minParticleSize | 钳制最小粒子大小。 |
normalDirection | Specifies how to calculate lighting for the billboard. |
pivot | 修改用于旋转粒子的轴心点。 |
renderMode | 指定系统如何绘制粒子。 |
rotateWithStretchDirection | Rotate the particles based on the direction they are stretched in. This is added on top of other particle rotation. |
shadowBias | 应用阴影偏差以防止自我阴影瑕疵。指定的值是粒子大小的比例。 |
sortingFudge | 与其他透明对象排序时,使粒子系统偏离。 |
sortMode | 指定如何对系统中的粒子进行排序。 |
supportsMeshInstancing | Determines whether the Particle System can be rendered using GPU Instancing. |
trailMaterial | 设置 TrailModule 用于将轨迹附加到粒子的材质。 |
velocityScale | 指定粒子根据其速度拉伸的程度。 |
BakeMesh | Creates a snapshot of ParticleSystemRenderer and stores it in a mesh. |
BakeTexture | Creates a snapshot of ParticleSystemRenderer and stores it in a Texture2D. |
BakeTrailsMesh | Creates a snapshot of ParticleSystem Trails and stores them in a mesh. |
BakeTrailsTexture | Creates a snapshot of ParticleSystem Trails and stores them in a Texture2D. |
GetActiveTrailVertexStreams | Queries which trail Vertex Shader streams are enabled on the ParticleSystemRenderer. |
GetActiveVertexStreams | Queries which Vertex Shader streams are enabled on the ParticleSystemRenderer. |
GetMeshes | Gets the array of Meshes to use when selecting particle meshes. |
GetMeshWeightings | Gets the array of Mesh weightings to use when randomly selecting particle meshes. |
SetActiveTrailVertexStreams | Enables a set of Vertex Shader streams on the ParticleSystemRenderer for particle trails. |
SetActiveVertexStreams | Enables a set of Vertex Shader streams on the ParticleSystemRenderer. |
SetMeshes | Sets the Meshes that the ParticleSystemRenderer uses to display particles when the ParticleSystemRenderer.renderMode is set to ParticleSystemRenderMode.Mesh. |
SetMeshWeightings | Sets the weights that the ParticleSystemRenderer uses to assign Meshes to particles. |
gameObject | 此组件附加到的游戏对象。始终将组件附加到游戏对象。 |
tag | 此游戏对象的标签。 |
transform | 附加到此 GameObject 的 Transform。 |
hideFlags | 该对象应该隐藏、随场景一起保存还是由用户修改? |
name | 对象的名称。 |
allowOcclusionWhenDynamic | 控制是否应对该渲染器执行动态遮挡剔除。 |
bounds | The bounding box of the renderer in world space. |
enabled | 如果启用,则使渲染的 3D 对象可见。 |
forceRenderingOff | 允许关闭特定组件的渲染。 |
isPartOfStaticBatch | Indicates whether the renderer is part of a static batch with other renderers. |
isVisible | 该渲染器是否在任何摄像机中可见?(只读) |
lightmapIndex | 应用到该渲染器的烘焙光照贴图的索引。 |
lightmapScaleOffset | 用于光照贴图的 UV 缩放和偏移。 |
lightProbeProxyVolumeOverride | 如果设置,则渲染器将使用附加到源 GameObject 的 **Light Probe Proxy Volume** 组件。 |
lightProbeUsage | 光照探针插值类型。 |
localBounds | The bounding box of the renderer in local space. |
localToWorldMatrix | 将点从本地空间转换到世界空间的矩阵(只读)。 |
material | 返回指定给渲染器的第一个实例化 Material。 |
materials | 返回该对象的所有实例化材质。 |
motionVectorGenerationMode | 指定运动矢量渲染的模式。 |
probeAnchor | 如果设置,渲染器将使用该变换的位置来查找光源或反射探针。 |
rayTracingMode | 描述如何更新该渲染器来进行射线追踪。 |
realtimeLightmapIndex | The index of the real-time lightmap applied to this renderer. |
realtimeLightmapScaleOffset | The UV scale & offset used for a real-time lightmap. |
receiveShadows | 该对象是否接受阴影? |
reflectionProbeUsage | 是否应为该渲染器使用反射探针? |
rendererPriority | 此值按优先级对渲染器排序。首先渲染较小值,最后渲染较大值。 |
renderingLayerMask | 确定该渲染器所在的渲染层。 |
shadowCastingMode | 该对象是否投射阴影? |
sharedMaterial | 该对象的共享材质。 |
sharedMaterials | 该对象的所有共享材质。 |
sortingLayerID | 渲染器排序图层的唯一 ID。 |
sortingLayerName | 渲染器排序图层的名称。 |
sortingOrder | 排序图层中的渲染器顺序。 |
staticShadowCaster | Is this renderer a static shadow caster? |
worldToLocalMatrix | 将点从世界空间转换到本地空间的矩阵(只读)。 |
BroadcastMessage | 调用此游戏对象或其任何子项中的每个 MonoBehaviour 上名为 methodName 的方法。 |
CompareTag | Checks the GameObject's tag against the defined tag. |
GetComponent | Gets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified. |
GetComponentInChildren | Gets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, or any child of the GameObject. |
GetComponentInParent | Gets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, or any parent of the GameObject. |
GetComponents | Gets references to all components of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified. |
GetComponentsInChildren | Gets references to all components of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, and any child of the GameObject. |
GetComponentsInParent | Gets references to all components of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, and any parent of the GameObject. |
SendMessage | 调用此游戏对象中的每个 MonoBehaviour 上名为 methodName 的方法。 |
SendMessageUpwards | 调用此游戏对象中的每个 MonoBehaviour 上或此行为的每个父级上名为 methodName 的方法。 |
TryGetComponent | 获取指定类型的组件(如果存在)。 |
GetInstanceID | Gets the instance ID of the object. |
ToString | 返回对象的名称。 |
GetClosestReflectionProbes | 返回一个数组,其中包含带有权重的最近反射探针。权重显示探针对渲染器的影响程度,当反射探针之间发生混合时,也会用到该值。 |
GetMaterials | 返回该对象的所有实例化材质。 |
GetPropertyBlock | 获取每渲染器或每材质的属性块。 |
GetSharedMaterials | 返回该对象的所有共享材质。 |
HasPropertyBlock | 如果渲染器具有通过 SetPropertyBlock 附加的材质属性块,则返回 true。 |
ResetBounds | Reset custom world space bounds. |
ResetLocalBounds | Reset custom local space bounds. |
SetMaterials | Assigns the shared materials of this object using the list of materials provided. |
SetPropertyBlock | 允许您设置或清除每渲染器或每材质参数重写。 |
SetSharedMaterials | Assigns the shared materials of this object using the list of materials provided. |
Destroy | 移除 GameObject、组件或资源。 |
DestroyImmediate | 立即销毁对象 /obj/。强烈建议您改用 Destroy。 |
DontDestroyOnLoad | 在加载新的 Scene 时,请勿销毁 Object。 |
FindAnyObjectByType | Retrieves any active loaded object of Type type. |
FindFirstObjectByType | Retrieves the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectsByType | Retrieves a list of all loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | 克隆 original 对象并返回克隆对象。 |
bool | 该对象是否存在? |
operator != | 比较两个对象是否引用不同的对象。 |
operator == | 比较两个对象引用,判断它们是否引用同一个对象。 |
OnBecameInvisible | OnBecameInvisible is called when the object is no longer visible by any camera. |
OnBecameVisible | OnBecameVisible is called when the object became visible by any camera. |
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