Version: 2023.1


class in UnityEditor.Overlays



Base class for toolbar elements intended to be drawn in an Overlay.

Use this class with ICreateHorizontalToolbar and ICreateVerticalToolbar to build Overlays that are dockable in toolbars.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Overlays;
using UnityEditor.Toolbars;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

[Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "My Toolbar Overlay")]
class MyOverlay : Overlay, ICreateToolbar
    static readonly string[] k_ToolbarItems = new[]

    public override VisualElement CreatePanelContent()
        return new Label("I'm the content shown in panel mode!");

    public IEnumerable<string> toolbarElements => k_ToolbarItems;

[EditorToolbarElement("SomeOtherToolbarItem", typeof(SceneView))]
class SomeOtherToolbarItem : EditorToolbarToggle
    public SomeOtherToolbarItem()
        icon = EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("CustomTool");

// Example toolbar element with multiple controls
[EditorToolbarElement("MyToolbarItem", typeof(SceneView))]
class MyToolbarItem : OverlayToolbar
    public MyToolbarItem()
        var icon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("MyIcon");
        Add(new EditorToolbarButton(icon, () => { Debug.Log("Hello!"); }));
        Add(new EditorToolbarButton(icon, () => { Debug.Log("Hello again!"); }));


OverlayToolbarCreate a new OverlayToolbar.


SetupChildrenAsButtonStripUse this method to apply button strip styling to the contents of this VisualElement.

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