查看 Asset Store 提交状态
从 Asset Store 删除资源


Customers might contact you to request a refund on your Asset. However, because they made purchase through the Asset Store, the store manages refund - not individual publishers.

If possible, try to help your customer resolve their issue to avoid a refund. If a refund is required, then you must request it from the Asset Store on the customer’s behalf, using the following process:


2.登录 Publisher Administration 页面

3.使用 Verify Invoice 选项卡验证发票。

4.验证后,使用与发布者帐户关联的电子邮件地址向 assetstore@unity3d.com 发送电子邮件。您必须以附件形式提供发票或直接提供发票号码。


Hi Asset Store Team,

Please refund the following asset(s)

Publisher Name: 

- Asset name(s)


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查看 Asset Store 提交状态
从 Asset Store 删除资源