Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6.2
Language: English
Bloom and Lens Flares

Blur Effect

This is now deprecated. Use Blur instead.

The Blur image effect blurs the rendered image in real-time.

As with the other image effects, this effect is only available in Unity Pro and you must have the Pro Standard Assets installed before it becomes available.

Blur effect applied to the scene
Blur effect applied to the scene


Property: Function:
Iterations The number of times the basic blur operation will be repeated. More iterations typically give a better result but each has a cost in processing time.
Blur Spread Higher values will spread out the blur more at the same iteration count but at some cost in quality. Usually values from 0.6 to 0.7 are a good compromise between quality and speed.

Hardware Support

This effect requires a graphics card that supports Shader Model 2. See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.

Bloom and Lens Flares