Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6.2
Language: English
Physics Manager
Player Settings

Physics 2D Manager

You can access the Physics 2D Manager from the menu by selecting Edit->Project Settings->Physics2D.


Property: Function:
Gravity The amount of gravity applied to all Rigidbody2D objects. Generally, gravity is only set for the negative direction of the Y-axis.
Default Material The default Physics Material 2D that will be used if none has been assigned to an individual collider.
Velocity iterations The number of iterations made by the physics engine to resolve velocity effects. Higher numbers result in more accurate physics but at the cost of CPU time.
Position iterations The number of iterations made by the physics engine to resolve position changes. Higher numbers result in more accurate physics but at the cost of CPU time.
Raycasts Hit Triggers If enabled, any Raycast that intersects with a Collider marked as a Trigger will return a hit. If disabled, these intersections will not return a hit.
Layer Collision Matrix Defines how the layer-based collision detection system will behave.


The Physics 2D manager contains the settings for 2D physics only. Any changes made here will not affect the behaviour of 3D physics.

Physics Manager
Player Settings