Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6.2
Language: English
Visual Effects Reference
Lens Flare


Halos are light areas around light sources, used to give the impression of small dust particles in the air.


Halos use the Halo Texture set up in the Render Settings. If none is assigned, it uses a default one. A Light component can be setup to automatically show halo, without a separate Halo component.

Property: Function:
Color Color of the Halo.
Size Size of the Halo.


  • To see Halos in the scene view, check Fx button in the Scene View Toolbar.

  • To override the shader used for Halos copy the Internal-Halo.shader shader from the Built-in shaders into a folder named “Resources” in your “Assets” folder.

A Light with a separate Halo <span class="doc-keyword">Component</span>
A Light with a separate Halo Component
Visual Effects Reference
Lens Flare