Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6.2
Language: English
Distance Joint 2D
Slider Joint 2D

Hinge Joint 2D

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The Hinge Joint 2D component allows a Sprite object controlled by rigidbody physics to be attached to a point in space around which it can rotate. The rotation can be left to happen passively (in response to a collision, say) or actively powered by a motor torque provided by the joint itself. The hinge can also be set up with limits to prevent it from making a full rotation.


Property: Function:
Collide Connected Can the two connected objects collide with each other?
Connected Rigidbody The other Rigidbody2D object that the one with the joint is connected to. If this is null then the other end of the joint will be fixed at a point in space.
Anchor Coordinate in local space where the end point of the joint is attached.
Connected Anchor Coordinate in the other object’s local space where its end of the joint is attached.
Use Motor Should the hinge motor be enabled?
Use Limits Should the rotation angle be limited?
Motor Speed Target motor speed (degrees/sec).
Maximum Motor Force The maximum torque the motor can apply while attempting to reach the target speed.
Lower Angle The lower end of the rotation arc allowed by the limit.
Upper Angle The upper end of the rotation arc allowed by the limit.


The hinge joint’s name implies something like a door hinge (and it can certainly be used to implement that) but it refers more generally to anything that rotates around a particular point. It can be used for machine parts, powered wheels, pendulums and many other similar things.

Distance Joint 2D
Slider Joint 2D