Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6.2
Language: English
Editor Version Release Dates
How do I install or upgrade Standard Assets?

How do I reuse assets between projects?

As you build your game, Unity stores a lot of metadata about your assets (import settings, links to other assets, etc.). If you want to take your assets into a different project, there is a specific way to do that. Here’s how to easily move assets between projects and still preserve all this info.

  1. In the Project View, select all the asset files you want to export.
  2. Choose Assets->Export Package… from the menubar.
  3. Name and save the package anywhere you like.
  4. Open the project you want to bring the assets into.
  5. Choose Assets->Import Package… from the menubar.
  6. Select your package file saved in step 3.


  • When exporting a package Unity can export all dependencies as well. So for example if you select a Scene and export a package with all dependencies, then all models, textures and other assets that appear in the scene will be exported as well. This can be a quick way of exporting a bunch of assets without manually locating them all.
  • If you store your Exported Package in the Standard Packages folder next to your Unity application, they will appear in the Create New Project dialog.
Editor Version Release Dates
How do I install or upgrade Standard Assets?