Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6.2
Language: English
Cluster Rendering
Setting Up A Clustered Scene

Installing the Cluster Renderer

To use Cluster Rendering the following files need to be installed:

  • Unity Installer
  • Editor Tools
  • Deployment Tools

The build requires a special license. Activating the build with a standard license will disable the cluster rendering feature.

Please contact paul@unity3d.com to get a license and for details of how to download the files.


No special steps are required to install the editor - you can just use the installer from the link given.

If you want to install the optional deployment tools (to update and control the nodes) you should follow the procedure given below:-

Master Node

  • Install Python 2.75.
  • (Optional) Install and activate virtualenv.
  • Copy the master folder from deployment.zip to a location of your choice.
  • From command prompt, execute: python setup.py install
  • Create the database, follow the instruction to create the admin user: python manage.py syncdb
  • To run the server, execute: python manage.py runserver

Slave Node

  • Install Python 2.75
  • (Optional) Install and activate virtualenv
  • Copy the slave folder from the deployment.zip above to a location of your choice
  • From command prompt, execute: python setup.py install
  • To run the slave, execute: python -m execnet.script.loop_socketserver
Cluster Rendering
Setting Up A Clustered Scene