Version: 2022.3
XR SDK Stats 接口
Asset Store 资源包

Unity Asset Store

The Unity Asset Store contains a library of free and commercial assets that Unity Technologies and members of the community create. A wide variety of assets are available, including textures, models, animations, entire project examples, tutorials, and Editor extensions.

Starting from Unity 2020.1, the dedicated Asset Store window is no longer hosted inside the Unity Editor. However, you can still access the Asset Store website at and you can still search for your purchased and downloaded Asset Store packages, and import and download them directly in the Package Manager window.

本节包含 Asset Store 产品的消费者和提供者的信息:

  • Asset Store 资源包包含有关如何直接在 Asset Store 网站上查找、获取和组织您的 Asset Store 资源包的信息。
  • Publishing to the Asset Store helps guide Asset Store package producers through the process of creating, marketing, and managing Asset Store packages for the Unity community.

Asset Store 网站

To access the Asset Store, open a web browser and go to

From the Asset Stores website, you can find Asset Store packages and see the list of assets you already own
From the Asset Store’s website, you can find Asset Store packages and see the list of assets you already own

(A) Collection menus help you narrow down the list of matching Asset Store packages. They group related Asset Store packages together and display them in the list. For example, you can select Terrain from the Tools menu to see Asset Store packages that contain tools for building terrain.

(B) The search box lets you search for an Asset Store package by entering search terms, such as the Asset Store package’s name, a word or phrase in its description, or a filename matching any files in the Asset Store package.

(C) 通过快速链接可以访问以下区域:

  • 您帐户下已购买或下载的资源列表(位于 My Assets 页面)
  • The list of Saved Assets you marked as favorites
  • 您的购物车
  • Asset Store Applications, such as Dashboard, Distribute, Forum, and Learn
  • Your Unity ID (account), where you can see and modify personal settings and account settings (including licenses), view notifications, redeem vouchers, and more.

(D) Quick filter and sort controls help narrow and order the list of Asset Store packages displayed. You can filter by Price (including Free) and Rating.

(E) The filter sidebar helps refine the list of Asset Store packages displayed. You can apply these filters to any searches, categories, selections, or sorting schemes you make.

(F) The list of Asset Store packages that match any searches, filters, sorting, or categories you select. The Asset Store also displays suggestions and special lists of packages here.

  • 在 Editor 2020.1 中删除了 Asset Store 选项卡 NewIn20201
  • 2019.3 中添加了 Package Manager 的 MyAssets 筛选条件 NewIn20193

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XR SDK Stats 接口
Asset Store 资源包