Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6(go to latest)
Language: English
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ProceduralMaterial loading behavior.


DoNothing Do not generate the textures. RebuildTextures() or RebuildTexturesImmediately() must be called to generate the textures.
Generate Generate the textures when loading to favor application's size (default on supported platform).
BakeAndKeep Bake the textures to speed up loading and keep the ProceduralMaterial data so that it can still be tweaked and regenerated later on.
BakeAndDiscard Bake the textures to speed up loading and discard the ProceduralMaterial data (default on unsupported platform).
Cache Generate the textures when loading and cache them to disk/flash to speed up subsequent game/application startups.
DoNothingAndCache Do not generate the textures. RebuildTextures() or RebuildTexturesImmediately() must be called to generate the textures. After the textures have been generrated for the first time, they are cached to disk/flash to speed up subsequent game/application startups.