Namespace: UnityEngine
Global settings and helpers for 2D physics.
AllLayers | Layer mask constant that includes all layers. |
angularSleepTolerance | A rigid-body cannot sleep if its angular velocity is above this tolerance. |
baumgarteScale | The scale factor that controls how fast overlaps are resolved. |
baumgarteTOIScale | The scale factor that controls how fast TOI overlaps are resolved. |
DefaultRaycastLayers | Layer mask constant that includes all layers participating in raycasts by default. |
deleteStopsCallbacks | Whether to stop processing collision callbacks if any of the objects involved in the collision are deleted or not. |
gravity | Acceleration due to gravity. |
IgnoreRaycastLayer | Layer mask constant for the default layer that ignores raycasts. |
linearSleepTolerance | A rigid-body cannot sleep if its linear velocity is above this tolerance. |
maxAngularCorrection | The maximum angular position correction used when solving constraints. This helps to prevent overshoot. |
maxLinearCorrection | The maximum linear position correction used when solving constraints. This helps to prevent overshoot. |
maxRotationSpeed | The maximum angular speed of a rigid-body per physics update. Increasing this can cause numerical problems. |
maxTranslationSpeed | The maximum linear speed of a rigid-body per physics update. Increasing this can cause numerical problems. |
positionIterations | The number of iterations of the physics solver when considering objects' positions. |
raycastsHitTriggers | Do raycasts detect Colliders configured as triggers? |
timeToSleep | The time in seconds that a rigid-body must be still before it will go to sleep. |
velocityIterations | The number of iterations of the physics solver when considering objects' velocities. |
velocityThreshold | Any collisions with a relative linear velocity below this threshold will be treated as inelastic. |
BoxCast | Casts a box against colliders in the scene, returning the first collider to contact with it. |
BoxCastAll | Casts a box against colliders in the scene, returning all colliders that contact with it. |
BoxCastNonAlloc | Casts a box into the scene, returning colliders that contact with it into the provided results array. |
CircleCast | Casts a circle against colliders in the scene, returning the first collider to contact with it. |
CircleCastAll | Casts a circle against colliders in the scene, returning all colliders that contact with it. |
CircleCastNonAlloc | Casts a circle into the scene, returning colliders that contact with it into the provided results array. |
GetIgnoreCollision | Checks whether the collision detection system will ignore all collisions/triggers between collider1 and collider2 or not. |
GetIgnoreLayerCollision | Should collisions between the specified layers be ignored? |
GetRayIntersection | Cast a 3D ray against the colliders in the scene returning the first collider along the ray. |
GetRayIntersectionAll | Cast a 3D ray against the colliders in the scene returning all the colliders along the ray. |
GetRayIntersectionNonAlloc | Cast a 3D ray against the colliders in the scene returning the colliders along the ray. |
IgnoreCollision | Makes the collision detection system ignore all collisions/triggers between collider1 and collider2. |
IgnoreLayerCollision | Choose whether to detect or ignore collisions between a specified pair of layers. |
Linecast | Casts a line against colliders in the scene. |
LinecastAll | Casts a line against colliders in the scene. |
LinecastNonAlloc | Casts a line against colliders in the scene. |
OverlapArea | Check if a collider falls within a rectangular area. |
OverlapAreaAll | Get a list of all colliders that fall within a rectangular area. |
OverlapAreaNonAlloc | Get a list of all colliders that fall within a specified area. |
OverlapCircle | Check if a collider falls within a circular area. |
OverlapCircleAll | Get a list of all colliders that fall within a circular area. |
OverlapCircleNonAlloc | Get a list of all colliders that fall within a circular area. |
OverlapPoint | Check if a collider overlaps a point in space. |
OverlapPointAll | Get a list of all colliders that overlap a point in space. |
OverlapPointNonAlloc | Get a list of all colliders that overlap a point in space. |
Raycast | Casts a ray against colliders in the scene. |
RaycastAll | Casts a ray against colliders in the scene, returning all colliders that contact with it. |
RaycastNonAlloc | Casts a ray into the scene. |