Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6(go to latest)
Language: English
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Custom mouse cursor shapes used with EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect.


Arrow Normal pointer arrow.
Text Text cursor.
ResizeVertical Vertical resize arrows.
ResizeHorizontal Horizontal resize arrows.
Link Arrow with a Link badge (for assigning pointers).
SlideArrow Arrow with small arrows for indicating sliding at number fields.
ResizeUpRight Resize up-right for window edges.
ResizeUpLeft Resize up-Left for window edges.
MoveArrow Arrow with the move symbol next to it for the sceneview.
RotateArrow Arrow with the rotate symbol next to it for the sceneview.
ScaleArrow Arrow with the scale symbol next to it for the sceneview.
ArrowPlus Arrow with the plus symbol next to it.
ArrowMinus Arrow with the minus symbol next to it.
Pan Cursor with a dragging hand for pan.
Orbit Cursor with an eye for orbit.
Zoom Cursor with a magnifying glass for zoom.
FPS Cursor with an eye and stylized arrow keys for FPS navigation.
CustomCursor The current user defined cursor.
SplitResizeUpDown Up-Down resize arrows for window splitters.
SplitResizeLeftRight Left-Right resize arrows for window splitters.