Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6(go to latest)
Language: English
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Namespace: UnityEditor


AnimationMode is used by the AnimationWindow to store properties modifed by the AnimationClip playback.

When exiting AnimationMode all properties are reverted to their default state. Animated properties are also highlighted by the inspector. Use AnimationMode.StartAnimationMode to enter animation mode. In Animation mode the editor is tinted to show that it is animating. Properties can be animated via AnimationMode.SampleAnimationClip.

Static Variables

animatedPropertyColor The color used to show that a property is currently being animated.

Static Functions

InAnimationMode Are we currently in AnimationMode.
IsPropertyAnimated Is the specified property currently in animation mode and being animated?
SampleAnimationClip Samples an AnimationClip on the object and also records any modified properties in AnimationMode.
StartAnimationMode Starts the animation mode.
StopAnimationMode Stops Animation mode, reverts all properties that were animated in animation mode.