Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6(go to latest)
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Namespace: UnityEditor


AssetPostprocessor lets you hook into the import pipeline and run scripts prior or after importing assets.

In a production pipeline AssetPostprocessors should always be placed in pre-built dll's in the project instead of in scripts. AssetPostprocessors change the output of imported assets, thus a compile error in one of the scripts will lead to assets being imported differently. This can be a severe issue when working in a production pipeline. By using dll's for AssetPostprocessors you ensure that they can always be executed even if the scripts have compile errors. This way you can override default values in the import settings or modify the imported data like textures or meshes.


assetImporter Reference to the asset importer.
assetPath The path name of the asset being imported.


GetPostprocessOrder Override the order in which importers are processed.
GetVersion Returns the version of the asset postprocessor.
LogError Logs an import error message to the console.
LogWarning Logs an import warning to the console.


OnAssignMaterialModel Feeds a source material.
OnPostprocessAllAssets This is called after importing of any number of assets is complete (when the Assets progress bar has reached the end).
OnPostprocessAudio Add this function in a subclass to get a notification when an audio clip has completed importing.
OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties Gets called for each GameObject that had at least one userpropery attached to it in the imported file.
OnPostprocessModel Add this function in a subclass to get a notification when a model has completed importing.
OnPostprocessTexture Add this function in a subclass to get a notification when a texture has completed importing just before.
OnPreprocessAudio Add this function in a subclass to get a notification just before an audio clip is being imported.
OnPreprocessModel Add this function in a subclass to get a notification just before a model (.fbx, .mb file etc.) is imported.
OnPreprocessTexture Add this function in a subclass to get a notification just before the texture importer is run.