allowAsyncCompilation | When true, asynchronous Shader compilation is allowed at the current call site. |
anythingCompiling | When true, the Editor is compiling some Shaders asynchronously at the point of query. |
disableShaderOptimization | Disables shader optimization in the Editor. |
hardwareSupportsRectRenderTexture | 現在のハードウェアが RenderTexture をサポートしているかどうか |
ClearCachedData | Clears all internally-cached data that was generated for the given shader, such as errors and compilation info. |
ClearShaderMessages | Clear compile time messages for the given shader. |
CompilePass | Request the Editor to compile the Shader Variant needed for the specific pass of the given Material. |
CreateComputeShaderAsset | Creates a new ComputeShader object from the provided source code string. You can use this method alongside the ScriptedImporter to create custom compute shader generation tools in the Editor. |
CreateShaderAsset | Creates a new Shader object from the provided source code string. You can use this method alongside the ScriptedImporter to create custom shader generation tools in the Editor. |
GetAllShaderInfo | Returns an array of ShaderInfo of all available shaders. That includes built-in shaders. |
GetCallableShaderCount | Returns the number of callable Shaders defined whitin a given RayTracingShader. |
GetCallableShaderName | Returns the name of a user-defined callable Shader from within a RayTracingShader. |
GetCallableShaderParamSize | Returns the parameter size of a user-defined callable Shader from within a RayTracingShader. |
GetComputeShaderMessageCount | Returns the number of errors and warnings generated by the Unity Shader Compiler for the given ComputeShader. |
GetComputeShaderMessages | Returns each error and warning generated by the Unity Shader Compiler for the given ComputeShader. |
GetCurrentCustomEditor | Gets the current custom editor for the shader you pass in.Depending on the render pipeline asset assigned in your Graphics Settings, the custom editor can change if the shader has a different custom editor for one or multiple render pipeline assets. |
GetCustomEditorForRenderPipeline | Gets the shader's custom editor class name for a specific render pipeline asset type. |
GetMissShaderCount | Returns the number of miss Shaders defined whitin a given RayTracingShader. |
GetMissShaderName | Returns the name of a user-defined miss Shader from within a RayTracingShader. |
GetMissShaderRayPayloadSize | Returns the ray payload size of a user-defined miss Shader from within a RayTracingShader. |
GetPassKeywords | Gets the local shader keywords that are valid for a Pass within a particular shader. |
GetPropertyCount | シェーダーのプロパティー数を取得します |
GetPropertyDescription | プロパティーの説明部分を取得します |
GetPropertyName | プロパティー名を取得します |
GetPropertyType | プロパティーのタイプを取得します |
GetRangeLimits | Range プロパティーの値と範囲を取得します |
GetRayGenerationShaderCount | Returns the number of ray generation Shaders defined whitin a given RayTracingShader. |
GetRayGenerationShaderName | Returns the name of a user-defined ray generation Shader from within a RayTracingShader. |
GetRayTracingShaderMessageCount | Returns the number of errors and warnings generated by the Shader Compiler for the given RayTracingShader. |
GetRayTracingShaderMessages | Returns each error and warning generated by the Shader Compiler for the given RayTracingShader. |
GetShaderData | Get the shader data for a specific shader. |
GetShaderInfo | Gets ShaderInfo for the given shader. |
GetShaderMessageCount | Returns the number of errors and warnings generated by the Unity Shader Compiler for the given Shader. |
GetShaderMessages | Returns each error and warning generated by the Unity Shader Compiler for the given Shader. |
GetShaderPlatformKeywordsForBuildTarget | Gets the platform keywords for a shader, given a shader compiler platform, build target, and optional graphics tier. These platform keywords are necessary to properly compile a shader for a given target. |
GetTexDim | シェーダープロパティーのテクスチャの次元を取得 |
HasProceduralInstancing | Determines whether the specified Shader contains a valid Procedural Instancing variant. |
IsPassCompiled | Checks if the Shader variant for the given pass in the Material has already been compiled. |
IsShaderPropertyHidden | Returns true if the shader propery at index propertyIdx is hidden with the [HideInInspector] attribute in the shader code. |
IsShaderPropertyNonModifiableTexureProperty | Is the shader propery at index propertyIdx of Shader s a NonModifiableTextureProperty? |
PassHasKeyword | Checks whether a local shader keyword is valid for a Pass within a particular shader. |
RegisterShader | Register a user created shader. |
RestoreAsyncCompilation | Restores the previous Shader compilation mode in this CommandBuffer scope. |
SetAsyncCompilation | Adds shader compilation mode command in the CommandBuffer. |
ShaderHasError | Checks if a shader has any compilation errors. Ignores warnings. |
ShaderHasWarnings | Checks if a shader has any compilation warnings. Ignores errors. |
UpdateShaderAsset | Replaces the existing source code in the specified shader with the source code in the supplied string. |