Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine





This represents the script interface for Quality Settings.

Use the QualitySettings class to change the current quality level at runtime. You can check the details of quality settings in your project's Quality Settings.

Static 変数

activeColorSpaceアクティブな色空間 (読み込みのみ可)
antiAliasingChoose the level of Multi-Sample Anti-aliasing (MSAA) that the GPU performs.
asyncUploadBufferSizeAsynchronous texture and mesh data upload provides timesliced async texture and mesh data upload on the render thread with tight control over memory and timeslicing. There are no allocations except for the ones which driver has to do. To read data and upload texture and mesh data, Unity re-uses a ringbuffer whose size can be controlled.Use asyncUploadBufferSize to set the buffer size for asynchronous texture and mesh data uploads. The minimum value is 2 megabytes and the maximum value is 2047 megabytes. The buffer resizes automatically to fit the largest texture currently loading. To avoid a buffer resize (which can use extra system resources) set this value to the size of the largest texture in the Scene. If you have issues with excessive memory usage, you may need to reduce the value of this buffer or disable asyncUploadPersistentBuffer. Memory fragmentation can occur if you choose the latter option.
asyncUploadPersistentBufferThis flag controls if the async upload pipeline's ring buffer remains allocated when there are no active loading operations. Set this to true, to make the ring buffer allocation persist after all upload operations have completed. If you have issues with excessive memory usage, you can set this to false. This means you reduce the runtime memory footprint, but memory fragmentation can occur. The default value is true.
asyncUploadTimeSlice非同期テクスチャアップロードを使用すると、タイムスライスした非同期テクスチャをメモリーとタイムスライスを制御しながら、レンダースレッド上にアップロードできる。ドライバが行うメモリアロケーション以外、アロケーションはない。データを読み込んでテクスチャデータをアップロードするために、サイズ制御可能なリングバッファが再使用される。Use asyncUploadTimeSlice to set the time-slice in milliseconds for asynchronous texture uploads per frame. Minimum value is 1 and maximum is 33.
countThe number of Quality Levels.
desiredColorSpace期待される色空間 (読み込みのみ可)
enableLODCrossFadeEnables or disables LOD Cross Fade.
globalTextureMipmapLimitIndicates how many of the highest-resolution mips of each texture Unity does not upload at the given quality level. To set more specific mipmap limits, you can flag textures to ignore mipmap limits or assign them to mipmap limit groups.
lodBiasLOD を切り替える距離のグローバル乗数。
maximumLODLevelLOD の最大レベルを設定する。すべての LOD グループに適用される。
realtimeGICPUUsageHow much CPU usage to assign to the final lighting calculations at runtime.
realtimeReflectionProbesEnables or disables real-time reflection probes.
renderPipelineThe RenderPipelineAsset that defines the override render pipeline for the current quality level.
resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactorIn resolution scaling mode, this factor is used to multiply with the target Fixed DPI specified to get the actual Fixed DPI to use for this quality setting.
shadowCascade2Split法線に沿ったカスケードの 2 分割設定。0 を基準として、その値によりカスケードの位置が決定される。
shadowCascade4Split法線に沿ったカスケードの 4 分割設定。ベクトルの各メンバーが 0 を基準として、関連するカスケードの法線に基づいた位置を決定する。
shadowCascadesDirectional Light に使用するカスケードの数を設定する。
shadowmaskModeThe rendering mode of Shadowmask.
shadowProjectionDirectional Light の影の投影を設定する。
shadowsReal-time Shadows type to be used.
skinWeightsThe maximum number of bones per vertex that are taken into account during skinning, for all meshes in the project.
softVegetation地形エンジンにおける、草木などに 2 つのシェーダーを使うかを設定する。
streamingMipmapsActiveEnable automatic streaming of texture mipmap levels based on their distance from all active cameras.
streamingMipmapsAddAllCamerasProcess all enabled Cameras for texture streaming (rather than just those with StreamingController components).
streamingMipmapsMaxFileIORequestsThe maximum number of active texture file IO requests from the texture streaming system.
streamingMipmapsMaxLevelReductionThe maximum number of mipmap levels to discard for each texture.
streamingMipmapsMemoryBudgetThe total amount of memory (in megabytes) to be used by streaming and non-streaming textures.
streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrameThe number of renderer instances that are processed each frame when calculating which texture mipmap levels should be streamed.
terrainBasemapDistanceValue set to Terrain.basemapDistance if TerrainQualityOverrides.BasemapDistance is set in terrainQualityOverrides.
terrainBillboardStartValue set to Terrain.treeBillboardDistance if TerrainQualityOverrides.BillboardStart is set in terrainQualityOverrides.
terrainDetailDensityScaleValue set to Terrain.detailObjectDensity if TerrainQualityOverrides.DetailDensity is set in terrainQualityOverrides.
terrainDetailDistanceValue set to Terrain.detailObjectDistance if TerrainQualityOverrides.DetailDistance is set in terrainQualityOverrides.
terrainFadeLengthValue set to Terrain.treeCrossFadeLength if TerrainQualityOverrides.FadeLength is set in terrainQualityOverrides.
terrainMaxTreesValue set to Terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount if TerrainQualityOverrides.MaxTrees is set in terrainQualityOverrides.
terrainPixelErrorValue set to Terrain.heightmapPixelError if TerrainQualityOverrides.PixelError is set in terrainQualityOverrides.
terrainQualityOverridesControls which fields should have their values overriden in active Terrains.
terrainTreeDistanceValue set to Terrain.treeDistance if TerrainQualityOverrides.TreeDistance is set in terrainQualityOverrides.
useLegacyDetailDistributionUse the legacy pre-2022.2 algorithm for distributing details on terrain.
vSyncCountRepresents the number of vertical syncs that should pass between each frame.

Static 関数

ForEachExecutes the given Action for each tier on the QualitySettings.
GetActiveQualityLevelsForPlatform[Editor Only] Obtains an array with the Quality Level indexes that are selected for the given platform.
GetActiveQualityLevelsForPlatformCount[Editor Only] Obtains the number of Quality Levels that are selected for a given platform.
GetAllRenderPipelineAssetsForPlatform[Editor Only] Fills the given list with all the Render Pipeline Assets on any Quality Level for the given platform. Without filtering by Render Pipeline Asset type or null.
GetQualitySettingsProvides a reference to the QualitySettings object.
GetRenderPipelineAssetAtProvides a reference to the RenderPipelineAsset that defines the override render pipeline for a given quality level.
GetRenderPipelineAssetsForPlatform[Editor Only] Obtains a set with the non null Render Pipeline Assets selected on all the Quality Levels for the given platform.
GetTextureMipmapLimitSettingsRetrieves a copy of the TextureMipmapLimitSettings from a texture mipmap limit group.
IsPlatformIncluded[Editor Only] Returns if the given platform is included by the Quality Level.
SetLODSettingsSets the lodBias and maximumLODLevel at the same time.
SetTextureMipmapLimitSettingsApplies new TextureMipmapLimitSettings to the indicated texture mipmap limit group.
TryExcludePlatformAt[Editor Only] Excludes a platfor for the given Quality Level.
TryIncludePlatformAt[Editor Only] Includes a platform to be supported by the Quality Level.


activeQualityLevelChangedDelegate that you can use to invoke custom code when Unity changes the current Quality Level.



hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?

Public 関数

GetInstanceIDGets the instance ID of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the object.

Static 関数

DestroyRemoves a GameObject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindAnyObjectByTypeRetrieves any active loaded object of Type type.
FindFirstObjectByTypeRetrieves the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectsByTypeRetrieves a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
Instantiateoriginal のオブジェクトをクローンします


operator !=二つのオブジェクトが異なるオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します
operator ==2つのオブジェクト参照が同じオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します。

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