See Also: BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget, BuildAssetBundlesParameters.targetPlatform.
StandaloneOSX | Build a macOS standalone (Intel 64-bit). |
StandaloneWindows | Build a Windows 32-bit standalone. |
iOS | iOS 用にビルドします |
Android | Android 用にビルドします |
StandaloneWindows64 | Windows ( 64bit )用にビルドします |
WebGL | Build to WebGL platform. |
WSAPlayer | Windows Store Apps 用にビルドします |
StandaloneLinux64 | Linux ( 64bit )用にビルドします |
PS4 | PS4 用にビルドします |
XboxOne | Xbox One 用にビルドします |
tvOS | AppleのtvOS platform 用にビルドします |
Switch | Build a Nintendo Switch player. |
LinuxHeadlessSimulation | Build a LinuxHeadlessSimulation standalone. |
PS5 | Build to PlayStation 5 platform. |