Version: 5.5
public Color[] GetPixels (int miplevel= 0);


miplevel ピクセルをフェッチするためのミップマップレベル。デフォルトは 0。


Color[] テクスチャのミップマップレベルのすべてのピクセル配列



This function returns an array of pixel colors of the whole mip level of the texture.

The returned array is a flattened 2D array, where pixels are laid out left to right, bottom to top (i.e. row after row). Array size is width by height of the mip level used. The default mip level is zero (the base texture) in which case the size is just the size of the texture. In general case, mip level size is mipWidth=max(1,width>>miplevel) and similarly for height.

テクスチャはインポートセッティングの Read/Write Enabled フラグを設定しなくてはいけません。でなければこのファンクションは失敗するでしょう。

Using GetPixels can be faster than calling GetPixel repeatedly, especially for large textures. In addition, GetPixels can access individual mipmap levels. For most textures, even faster is to use GetPixels32 which returns low precision color data without costly integer-to-float conversions.

関連項目: SetPixels, mipmapCount, GetPixels32.

public Color[] GetPixels (int x, int y, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, int miplevel= 0);


x フェッチするピクセル配列の x 位置。
y フェッチするピクセル配列の y 位置。
blockWidth フェッチするピクセル配列の幅の長さ。
blockHeight フェッチするピクセル配列の高さ。
miplevel The mipmap level to fetch the pixels. Defaults to zero, and is optional.


Color[] 選択されたテクスチャのピクセル配列。



This function is an extended version of GetPixels above; it does not return the whole mip level but only blockWidth by blockHeight region starting at x,y. The block must fit into the used mip level. The returned array is blockWidth*blockHeight size.

// Get a rectangular area of a texture and place it into
// a new texture the size of the rectangle.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { // Source texture and the rectangular area we want to extract. public Texture2D sourceTex; public Rect sourceRect;

void Start() { int x = Mathf.FloorToInt(sourceRect.x); int y = Mathf.FloorToInt(sourceRect.y); int width = Mathf.FloorToInt(sourceRect.width); int height = Mathf.FloorToInt(sourceRect.height);

Color[] pix = sourceTex.GetPixels(x, y, width, height); Texture2D destTex = new Texture2D(width, height); destTex.SetPixels(pix); destTex.Apply();

// Set the current object's texture to show the // extracted rectangle. GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = destTex; } }