Possible NetworkTransport errors.
Ok | The operation completed successfully. |
WrongHost | The specified host not available. |
WrongConnection | The specified connectionId doesn't exist. |
WrongChannel | The specified channel doesn't exist. |
NoResources | Not enough resources are available to process this request. |
BadMessage | Not a data message. |
Timeout | Connection timed out. |
MessageToLong | The message is too long to fit the buffer. |
WrongOperation | サポートされていない操作を実行します。 |
VersionMismatch | The protocol versions are not compatible. Check your library versions. |
CRCMismatch | The ConnectionConfig does not match the other endpoint. |
DNSFailure | 接続するために与えられたアドレスが無効だったか、アドレスの DNS 解決に失敗しました。 |