Tizen 特有のプレイヤー設定
deploymentTarget | Currently chosen Tizen deployment target. |
deploymentTargetType | Choose a type of Tizen target to deploy to. Options are Device or Emulator. |
minOSVersion | Minimum Tizen OS version that this application is compatible with. IMPORTANT: For example: if you choose Tizen 2.4 your application will only run on devices with Tizen 2.4 or later. |
productDescription | Tizen Store に表示されるプロジェクトの説明 |
productURL | Tizen Store で表示されるプロジェクトの URL |
showActivityIndicatorOnLoading | Sets or gets the game loading indicator style.For available styles see TizenShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading. |
signingProfileName | Tizen のアプリケーションのためのセキュリティプロファイル名 |