Version: 5.5
public Component[] GetComponents (Type type);


type 取得するコンポーネントの型


ゲームオブジェクトの type のすべてのコンポーネントを返します

// Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object
using UnityEngine;

public class GetComponentsExample : MonoBehaviour { // Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object

void Start() { Component[] hingeJoints;

hingeJoints = GetComponents(typeof(HingeJoint));

foreach (HingeJoint joint in hingeJoints) joint.useSpring = false; } }

public T[] GetComponents ();


ジェネリック版。詳細については Generic Functions を参照してください。

// Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object
using UnityEngine;

public class GetComponentsExample : MonoBehaviour { // Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object

void Start() { HingeJoint[] hingeJoints;

hingeJoints = GetComponents<HingeJoint>();

foreach (HingeJoint joint in hingeJoints) joint.useSpring = false; } }

public void GetComponents (Type type, List<Component> results);


type 取得するコンポーネントの型
results 結果を受け取るリスト


type 型のすべてのコンポーネントをリスト results へ返します。resultsComponent 型であり、見つかったコンポーネントの型ではありません。

// Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GetComponentsExample : MonoBehaviour { // Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object

void Start() { // Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object List<Component> hingeJoints = new List<Component>();

GetComponents(typeof(HingeJoint), hingeJoints);

foreach (HingeJoint joint in hingeJoints) joint.useSpring = false; } }

public void GetComponents (List<T> results);


results 結果を受け取る T 型のリスト


ゲームオブジェクトの type 型のすべてのコンポーネントを返します。

// Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GetComponentsExample : MonoBehaviour { // Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object

void Start() { // Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in this game object List<HingeJoint> hingeJoints = new List<HingeJoint>();


foreach (HingeJoint joint in hingeJoints) joint.useSpring = false; } }