Version: 5.4


class in UnityEditor


Hereda de:AssetImporter

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The SubstanceImporter class lets you access the imported ProceduralMaterial instances.

Funciones Públicas

CloneMaterialClone an existing ProceduralMaterial instance.
DestroyMaterialDestroy an existing ProceduralMaterial instance.
ExportBitmapsExport the bitmaps generated by a ProceduralMaterial as TGA files.
ExportPresetExport a XML preset string with the value of all parameters of a given ProceduralMaterial to the specified folder.
GetAnimationUpdateRateGet the ProceduralMaterial animation update rate in millisecond.
GetGenerateAllOutputsCheck if the ProceduralMaterial needs to force generation of all its outputs.
GetGenerateMipMapsReturn true if the mipmaps are generated for this ProceduralMaterial.
GetMaterialCountGet the number of ProceduralMaterial instances.
GetMaterialOffsetGet the material offset, which is used for all the textures that are part of this ProceduralMaterial.
GetMaterialsGet an array with the ProceduralMaterial instances.
GetMaterialScaleGet the material scale, which is used for all the textures that are part of this ProceduralMaterial.
GetPlatformTextureSettingsGet the import settings for a given ProceduralMaterial for a given platform (width and height, RAW/Compressed format, loading behavior).
GetPrototypeNamesGet a list of the names of the ProceduralMaterial prototypes in the package.
GetTextureAlphaSourceGet the alpha source of the given texture in the ProceduralMaterial.
InstantiateMaterialInstantiate a new ProceduralMaterial instance from a prototype.
OnShaderModifiedAfter modifying the shader of a ProceduralMaterial, call this function to apply the changes to the importer.
RenameMaterialRename an existing ProceduralMaterial instance.
ResetMaterialReset the ProceduralMaterial to its default values.
SetAnimationUpdateRateSet the ProceduralMaterial animation update rate in millisecond.
SetGenerateAllOutputsSpecify if the ProceduralMaterial needs to force generation of all its outputs.
SetGenerateMipMapsForce the generation of mipmaps for this ProceduralMaterial.
SetMaterialOffsetSet the material offset, which is used for all the textures that are part of this ProceduralMaterial.
SetMaterialScaleSet the material scale, which is used for all the textures that are part of this ProceduralMaterial.
SetPlatformTextureSettingsSet the import settings for the input ProceduralMaterial for the input platform.
SetTextureAlphaSourceSet the alpha source of the given texture in the ProceduralMaterial.

Miembros heredados


assetBundleNameGet or set the AssetBundle name.
assetBundleVariantGet or set the AssetBundle variant.
assetPathThe path name of the asset for this importer. (Read Only)
userDataGet or set any user data.
hideFlags¿Debería el objeto estar oculto, guardado con la escena o modificable por el usuario?
nameEl nombre del objeto.

Funciones Públicas

SaveAndReimportSave asset importer settings if asset importer is dirty.
SetAssetBundleNameAndVariantSet the AssetBundle name and variant.
GetInstanceIDDevuelve el id de la instancia del objeto.
ToStringDevuelve el nombre del objeto.

Funciones Estáticas

GetAtPathRetrieves the asset importer for the asset at path.
DestroyElimina un gameobject, componente o asset.
DestroyImmediateDestruye el objeto obj inmediatamente.
DontDestroyOnLoadHace que el objeto target no sea destruido automáticamente cuando se cargue una nueva escena.
FindObjectOfTypeDevuelve el primer objeto activo cargado de tipo type.
FindObjectsOfTypeDevuelve una lista de todos los objetos activos cargados de tipo type.
InstantiateDevuelve una copia del objeto original.


bool¿Existe el objeto?
operator !=Compare si dos objetos se refieren a un objeto diferente.
operator ==Compara dos referencias de objeto para ver si se refieren al mismo objeto.