Version: 5.4


class in UnityEditor

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PS Vita specific player settings.

Variables Estáticas

acquireBGMAquire PS Vita background music.
appVersionThe PS Vita application version.
categoryThe package build category.
contentIDThe applications content ID.
drmTypePS Vita DRM Type.
enterButtonAssignmentSpecifies whether circle or cross will be used as the default enter button.
healthWarningSpecifies whether or not a health warning will be added to the software manual.
infoBarColorSpecifies the color of the PS Vita information bar, true = white, false = black.
infoBarOnStartupSpecifies whether or not to show the PS Vita information bar when the application starts.
keystoneFileKeystone file.
liveAreaBackroundPathPS Vita Live area background image.
liveAreaGatePathPS Vita Live area gate image.
liveAreaPathPS Vita Live area path.
liveAreaTrialPathPS Vita Live area trial path.
manualPathPS Vita sofware manual.
masterVersionPS Vita content master version.
mediaCapacityShould always = 01.00.
memoryExpansionModePS Vita memory expansion mode.
npAgeRatingPSN Age rating.
npCommsPassphrasePS Vita NP Passphrase.
npCommsSigPS Vita NP Signature.
npCommunicationsIDPS Vita NP Communications ID.
npSupportGBMorGJPSupport Game Boot Message or Game Joining Presence.
npTitleDatPathPS Vita NP Title Data File.
npTrophyPackPathPath specifying wher to copy a trophy pack from.
packagePassword32 character password for use if you want to access the contents of a package.
paramSfxPathPath specifying where to copy the package parameter file (param.sfx) from.
parentalLevelPS Vita parental level.
patchChangeInfoPathFor cumlative patch packages.
patchOriginalPackageFor building cumulative patch packages.
powerModePS Vita power mode.
saveDataQuotaSave data quota.
shortTitleThe applications short title.
storageTypePS Vita media type.
tvBootModePS Vita TV boot mode.
tvDisableEmuPS Vita TV Disable Emu flag.
upgradableIndicates that this is an upgradable (trial) type application which can be converted to a full application by purchasing an upgrade.