Version: 5.4


struct in UnityEngine

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Class that holds humanoid avatar parameters to pass to the AvatarBuilder.BuildHumanAvatar function.


armStretchAmount by which the arm's length is allowed to stretch when using IK.
feetSpacingModification to the minimum distance between the feet of a humanoid model.
hasTranslationDoFTrue for any human that has a translation Degree of Freedom (DoF). It is set to false by default.
humanMapping between Mecanim bone names and bone names in the rig.
legStretchAmount by which the leg's length is allowed to stretch when using IK.
lowerArmTwistDefines how the lower arm's roll/twisting is distributed between the elbow and wrist joints.
lowerLegTwistDefines how the lower leg's roll/twisting is distributed between the knee and ankle.
skeletonList of bone Transforms to include in the model.
upperArmTwistDefines how the lower arm's roll/twisting is distributed between the shoulder and elbow joints.
upperLegTwistDefines how the upper leg's roll/twisting is distributed between the thigh and knee joints.