Version: 5.4



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The emission shape (Shuriken).

This is used by the ShapeModule to determine how to sort the particles.


SphereEmit from the volume of a sphere.
SphereShellEmit from the surface of a sphere.
HemisphereEmit from the volume of a half-sphere.
HemisphereShellEmit from the surface of a half-sphere.
ConeEmit from the base surface of a cone.
BoxEmit from the volume of a box.
MeshEmit from a mesh.
ConeShellEmit from the base surface of a cone.
ConeVolumeEmit from the volume of a cone.
ConeVolumeShellEmit from the surface of a cone.
CircleEmit from a circle.
CircleEdgeEmit from the edge of a circle.
SingleSidedEdgeEmit from an edge.
MeshRendererEmit from a mesh renderer.
SkinnedMeshRendererEmit from a skinned mesh renderer.